Monday, 26 January 2009

2 weeks in a row

This week was another good training week, not scheduling any training in the evening seems to be working pretty well at the moment, I'm still hitting the hours that I want to but am not having to miss sessions due to work. I'd ideally like to get an extra run session in but am not too fussed as the moment.

I think that my swimming is continuing to slowly improve, I feel like I am back at the pace that I was at before I changed my stroke and am now comfortable breathing to both sides, in fact so much so that breathing every two strokes feels really odd now, I can see why I was unbalanced before.

I commuted on the bike 4 days this week and ran in on the other day, Monday was a bit of a nightmare as it was pouring with rain and the traffic was nose to tail the whole way in so it took me over an hour to get in to work (usually takes about 40 mins).

The weekends training was good, legs are pretty sore (although Erika's massage has helped that out a fair bit) but after the victorious 4km run on Saturday morning I came home and got on the bike for 5.5 hours, it was dry but pretty cold, 3 degrees at first rising to a tropical 6 degrees by the time I got back. I've now got the power meter that Erika got me for my birthday installed so was interesting to see some different data whilst riding. I rode round to Dorking on the A25, lots of undulations, and then went over Box Hill before heading back.

Today's run was scheduled for 2 hours 40 mins, ans it was raining steadily as I headed out, didn't bother me too much though and I was fairly happy with the run, legs were pretty tired on the way back home so I struggled to get my heart rate up but I cracked the 30km distance for the first time. I don't ever plan to run for more than 3 hours as beyond that you don't really get much return for your training other than injuries so I'll be holding the long run at around this length of time for a while and just trying to continue to get stronger. I have a similar week of training planned for this week, then next week will be a recovery week, Erika and I are doing a 10km race on Sunday 8th.

This weeks training totals were as follows:

Swim - 7.5km (4.7 miles) - 2 hour 44 mins
Bike - 305.1km (190.7 miles) - 12 hours 23 mins
Run - 51.6km (32.3 miles) - 4 hours 25 mins

Total training time - 19 hours 32 mins

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